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Logo with the word "cleanstart" in purple lowercase letters and a curved pink shape resembling a crescent moon on the right side.

Resource Hub

Solar Panel Financing Options in New Jersey (2024)

Solar Panel Financing Options in New Jersey (2024)

Contrary to popular belief, solar energy is not free, and it’s certainly not cheap. However, it still beats your local utility in terms of energy costs. Solar energy will provide savings; it’s just a matter of when. The timing of these savings depends on the method...

2024 Solar System Pricing Guide for New Jersey

2024 Solar System Pricing Guide for New Jersey

For an average home with average usage, cash purchases for solar systems in New Jersey range from $35,000 to $50,000 before incentives, depending on conditions, and $18,000 to $30,000 after incentives. Financing options, although less popular due to rising interest...

What To Do If Your Solar Provider Goes Out of Business (2024)

What To Do If Your Solar Provider Goes Out of Business (2024)

With the recent news of SunPower exiting the installation and servicing business and potentially going bust, Titan closing their doors and Sunrun getting sued once again, it may leave a lot of current solar customers a bit shaken up and worried about the future of...

Solar Panels: Do They Really Save You Money? An In-Depth Analysis

Solar Panels: Do They Really Save You Money? An In-Depth Analysis

The answer is YES. Solar panels really do save you money. Are there outliers that exist where an unethical solar company sold you bad equipment with a shoddy installation that caused you to spend more than you saved? Of course there are. It’s almost equivalent to...

Micro Inverters vs String Inverters: Which Is Best?

Micro Inverters vs String Inverters: Which Is Best?

A seemingly boring topic, but an important one a homeowner needs to know during their solar journey. What kind of inverter will you be getting with your solar system? This critical component converts the direct current (DC) produced by solar panels into alternating...

What Happens to Your Solar Panels When It Snows?

What Happens to Your Solar Panels When It Snows?

When winter arrives and the snow starts to fall, many homeowners with solar panels wonder how their systems will be affected. Will the snow block sunlight and reduce energy production? Do you need to worry about damage or maintenance? In this article, we will explore...

The Downsides of a Solar PPA (2024)

The Downsides of a Solar PPA (2024)

Have you been exploring solar energy options and are now considering whether a Solar PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) is the right fit for you? Or maybe it even sounds as though it is a scam. When people get to this stage in their solar journey, they often ask questions...

Solar PPA vs. Ownership: Is Owning Solar Really the Best Option?

Solar PPA vs. Ownership: Is Owning Solar Really the Best Option?

Have you ever wondered if owning solar panels is really the best way to go solar? When people hear about solar PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements), they often start asking questions like, “Is owning solar panels the only way to go?” They might search for “solar PPA vs...

Best Solar Installers in Bergen County, NJ: Top Picks and Reviews

Best Solar Installers in Bergen County, NJ: Top Picks and Reviews

Each year, at Cleanstart, we meet with well over 500 households in the Bergen County, NJ area to discuss their solar installation needs. Many people are aware of our expertise and transparency about solar energy, and as a result, they often ask us about other...

Solar Battery vs. Gas Generator: Which Is Best for Your Home?

Solar Battery vs. Gas Generator: Which Is Best for Your Home?

Table of Contents Advantages of Solar Batteries: Disadvantages of Solar Batteries: Advantages of Gas-Powered Generators: Disadvantages of Gas-Powered Generators: Solar Battery vs. Gas Generator: 3-Day Blackout Cost Comparison Calculating Home Energy Needs for a 3-Day...

What Is The Average Price Of A Solar PPA?

What Is The Average Price Of A Solar PPA?

So, you’re exploring the possibility of going solar through a solar PPA (power purchase agreement), and you want to make sure you’re getting a good “rate”. In this article, which I’m almost certain has never been written about before, I am going to cover what actually...

Is Solar Worth It If You’re Rarely Home? A Comprehensive Guide

Is Solar Worth It If You’re Rarely Home? A Comprehensive Guide

If you find yourself frequently away from home or spending most of your time at work, you might wonder if solar power is right for you. It might seem logical to stick with conventional electricity if you’re not there to use the solar energy your panels produce. The...

Complete Guide to Solar Savings in New Jersey (With Examples)

Complete Guide to Solar Savings in New Jersey (With Examples)

What are the average savings when going solar in New Jersey? In solar, we tend to calculate savings based on the length of the warranty. At Cleanstart, we offer 25 year fully comprehensive warranties. So we will calculate the savings based on 25 years. For the sake of...

What to Expect: New Jersey Electric Rates in 2024 and Beyond

What to Expect: New Jersey Electric Rates in 2024 and Beyond

Table of Contents Understanding Your Electric Bill What Are The Current Electric Rates Across New Jersey? Electricity Costs: A Breakdown by Major Providers Are New Jersey Electric Rates Really Going up? Why Are New Jersey’s Electric Rates Increasing? How Green Energy...

Top 5 Best Solar Panels For Your Home of 2024

Top 5 Best Solar Panels For Your Home of 2024

Welcome to our quick guide on the top 5 solar panels of 2024! A question often asked by consumers in the market for a new solar system is: “What is the best solar panel of 2024”. With the huge push for sustainable energy, choosing the right solar panel for your home...

What Happens If You Don’t Pay Your Solar PPA Payment?

What Happens If You Don’t Pay Your Solar PPA Payment?

There are probably over 100 different questions we get asked about a solar PPA during a solar consultation, but the question of what happens if I don’t pay my solar PPA is not one of those common ones. At least one we don’t typically get IN PERSON. However, I have...

Debunking 4 Common Myths About Solar PPAs

Debunking 4 Common Myths About Solar PPAs

This article will go over the 4 most common misconceptions regarding solar PPA’s discussed on popular websites. After potential solar homeowners hear a pitch about the benefits of a solar PPA, they often become a bit skeptical of this option to acquire solar because...

Top 5 Problems Going Solar (And Their Solutions)

Top 5 Problems Going Solar (And Their Solutions)

Our sales reps often get asked by our potential clients, what are some of the problems they may encounter once they have decided to install a solar system on their home? Even If you’re just contemplating investing in solar panels and have pursued any online resources,...

Should You Pay Cash for Your Solar Panels?

Should You Pay Cash for Your Solar Panels?

Are you wondering if paying cash for solar panels is the best option? You might be considering this because of a recent solar appointment or curiosity about the most cost-effective way to go solar. In this article, we’ll explore why paying cash for your solar system...

Is A Solar PPA Right For You? A Highlight Of The Potential Negative

Is A Solar PPA Right For You? A Highlight Of The Potential Negative

Is a solar PPA right for you? With solar PPA’s on the rise, a common question we often get asked is, is a solar PPA worth it? In order for you to answer this question for yourself, you first need to know exactly what a PPA is and what may be the negatives of a solar...

What Is a Solar PPA? Pros, Cons, and an Honest Opinion

What Is a Solar PPA? Pros, Cons, and an Honest Opinion

Introduction Whether you just got done meeting with a solar salesman and he presented to you a solar PPA and you’re a bit skeptical or you just heard about it in passing and you want to learn all about a solar PPA, this article is for you. Table of Contents...